Key Processes


The following section details some of our key processes that ensure smooth sailing at Skedda. 
Wondering how a new product feature comes to be? The following product management process allows us to diligently think about concepts broadly and consider all the relevant pieces of information that we have available.
IdeasEverything starts as an idea...wherever it happens to come from.
Tracking The ideas that seem to fit with the product direction are actively tracked to see what the volume of interest is. Worth noting, unsolicited votes are not the only signal as some ideas never receive a single one.
Concept Review Ideas that are coming up regularly in tracking or internally with product direction are reviewed in more detail to try to understand exactly what the issue to be solved is and what the broader landscape of potential solutions could be.
Technical Review Now that the idea is broadly understood, the Product Architect (Sam) completes a technical review to see how it could fit within the product and spike any issues and highlight opportunities.
Prioritization With the proposed feature now as understood as it can be at this point, it’s ready to be prioritised alongside all the other exciting candidates competing to be built!
The process is, of course, never completely sequential and varies from feature to feature but the above is the ‘default’ flow of how an idea finds a place on the roadmap. You can find the current product roadmap here.
Ok! So, a concept has patiently made its way to the front of the queue and is now ready to be developed! Here’s a rundown of how our development process works: 
DesignArmed with the completed concept and technical review, the design of how the feature should be presented within the interface is created.
Front-End UIThe front-end UI is then developed, often needing to go back and forth with design to optimize for all scenarios.
Back-End-Dev A finalized front-end means the stage is set to create the nuts and bolts at the back end to bring it all to life.
Testing Testing, testing, testing! The secret sauce to the platform stability is a focus on robust testing across the stack. A small part of this involves us mere mortals but most of the load is carried by automated testing to help the dev team sleep soundly at night.
ReleaseTesting passed! It’s ready to reach the masses...well, almost. We usually take a cautious approach by releasing to a gradually increasing subset of users until it is finally released to everyone.  
As with the Product Management flow (and most things in life), nothing is ever completely linear and this is especially true in the development phase. There are so many variables that play together to find the best solution but the flow covers all the elements that are involved as the process is in motion.   

We’re lucky to have a product which people are VERY happy to give us feedback on, so we’re never short of ideas on how to improve things! Being so close to the product, you’ll also likely have a few clever ideas that come to you in moments of inspiration. 
Below is a quick overview of how we capture this:
Customer Feedback
We track every piece of product feedback. Simple! No need to spend any time reviewing whether it's a good, bad or ugly idea just note it down in the Product Feedback form. All these pieces of feedback get reviewed by the Product team and assessed as to where they fit.
Feature tracking
Once an idea has started to bubble up as something that looks promising (or perhaps needs some more specific feedback) it will be added as a tracked feature. Once tracked, we’re able to see the volume of interest as well as the specific related feedback to inform product decisions. You can find the current leaderboard here.
Team feedback
During the initial concept review phase, roadmap prioritization or at the testing phase before release, we often ask our team for feedback. This isn’t a requirement by any means but we’re always happy to hear your view on how you feel the proposed solution will help our customers!

All non-time-critical technical support issues are to be sent to our Lead Developer Andrey, via Google Chat. Andrey is available during European hours (based in lovely Berlin), so you can expect a response in line with these times. 
Generally speaking technical issues are not a significant feature of our day-to-day and usually an immediate response time is not essential.     
If the matter is critically urgent and requires immediate attention (like unexpected downtime or a suspected attack on our services), please refer to our Emergency Technical Contact Confluence page.